Wargroove is a turn-based tactics video game that is developed and published by Chucklefish. Offering a tactical turn-based gameplay where you get to explore vast maps as well as battle mighty enemies. First, get to know who you would want to be in the game. Choose from one of the twelve commanders available. Each of these commanders will have their very own personality, campaign, and motivations. Get to play on either local or online multiplayer which would have player versus player as well as cooperative play. You can also get creative by making your very own maps all thanks to the campaign editing tools. What’s also cool about this is you are able to link different missions together which means players are able to create branching paths that are connected by set missions and unlocked by certain conditions, all thanks to the overworld editor. Aiming to recreate both the charm and accessibility of titles that were able to inspire the game but adding more modern technology in the mix giving players the most complete experience ever.