Typoman Revised
Game information:
  • Platform: PC
  • Region: Region free
  • Release date: August 15, 2016
  • Developer: Brainseed Factory
  • Publisher: Brainseed Factory
  • Genre: Strategy
Revised is the story of a small man made of letters trying to make his way through a dark, seemingly post-apocalyptic world in order to get back his arm by using the power of letters to create words and move forward. The story of Typoman is actually quite compelling despite the inherent lack of dialogue. The dreary and brooding atmosphere is very reminiscent of Limbo, so it’s almost impossible not to draw at least a few comparisons, as it’s very similar in style and presentation. However, the central theme is very different. Typoman: Revised focuses on the power of letters, and how these letters combine to make words to affect the objects around you. Letters are scattered all over the levels, and the letters can be moved to form words that affect the environment. For example, forming the word “down” can cause objects to drop down in the affected area, such as a ladder. I can honestly admit that I’ve never played anything like this game.
Key activation instruction

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