Total War Saga TROY
Game information:
  • Platform: PC
  • Region: Region free
  • Release date: August 13, 2020
  • Developer: SEGA
  • Publisher: SEGA
  • Genre: Action

Experience the Trojan War like never before. Explore both the Greek and Trojan perspectives of the war.

  • Choose to be one of the eight iconic heroes like Menelaus, Hector, Paris, Achilles, and more.
  • Conquer the Bronze Age of the Mediterranean with the use of diplomacy, statecraft, strategy, and all-out war.
  • Ask for help from mythic creatures to fight in battle. You will get units that resemble the Minotaur, the Cyclops, Centaurs, and Giants.


As a first foray, it is an incredibly impressive effort from Creative Asselby Sofia, a team that has done incredible justice to one of the most important tales of the ancient world.


A Total War Saga: Troy is an excellent new addition to the Total War franchise, and while it may seem small in comparison to some of its predecessors, its attention to detail and strong art and design choices are more than enough to make this a memorable entry.

Screen Rant  

Total War Saga: Troy is an outstanding first entry from Creative Assembly Sofia and a fantastic entry to the Total War franchise, highlighting what the Saga spin-offs can bring.


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