Tango Fiesta
Game information:
  • Platform: PC
  • Region: Region free
  • Release date: September 24, 2015
  • Developer: Merge Games
  • Publisher: Spilt Milk Studios
  • Genre: Gamecards
When a fascist future slams into the present, players must fight as hard as they can to destroy the forces of oppression, both in & out of this DLC! Fascism Fighters 4000 is a brand new DLC pack for Tango Fiesta, where players take on the roles of Macmillan, Dr Henk or Conchita - thrown into an isolated arena within the Foundry, a fascistic future world that mirrors today a little too well! Players will be on the clock, defeating every Fascist, white nationalist, and dirty cop in sight using bullets and fists to beat ass before enemy reinforcements arrive, each wave more dangerous than the last! The longer the player survives, the more ally units will appear to provide back-up and more righteous power. As the fascist forces try to perpetuate racial and social inequalities worldwide, you & your squad have the power to change the world for the good of all people, regardless of race, creed, or colour! Spilt Milk Studios commits to donating the profits from every copy of FF4K sold to charities in support of the Black Lives Matter movement! To be crystal clear, Profits are the Listed Price, minus Steam's cut and tax. Nothing else will be discounted! That way we make up for the tax and Valve's cut as much as possible, and maximise the donation amount!
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