Game information:
  • Platform: PC
  • Region: Region free
  • Release date: June 09, 2020
  • Developer: Coffee Stain Publishing
  • Publisher: Coffee Stain Publishing
  • Genre: Action

Satisfactory is an open-world first-person factory simulation game, you were sent on the planet MASSAGE-2(A-B)b by Ficsit corporation your employers for one purpose to build a factory to manufacture parts and strip the planet of all its resources.

  • Construct massive elaborate factories to satiate your ever-growing need for resources, as an employee of Ficsit it is your duty to make sure every valuable resource on the planet is exploited and utilized.
  • The more you expand your factory the more resources you eat up doing them all manually becomes more impractical. Automation is the key build intricate lanes of conveyor belts and pipes to supply your factory, automate trains and trucks to travel to faraway outposts it’s up to you on how efficient you want your factory to be.
  • Explore the huge game world (30km2) and search for new rare materials, make sure to gear up before you do ride on different kinds of vehicles, jetpacks, jump pads, etc. because some of the local faunae don’t take kindly to visitors.
  • Go at it alone or with a friend in a multiplayer co-op mode.


when you see those huge assembly lines, encircling mountaintops like a giant sushi conveyor belt, you’ll know they’re your crowning achievement. The game’s coffee-sipping mascot and punning moniker refer with confidence to these brief moments of pleasure you’ll feel when you finish a tumbling mess of machinery and stand atop a tower, nodding with self-approval at the blight you’ve made on the landscape. I am become factory, the destroyer of worlds.

Key activation instruction

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