Pinball FX3 Aliens vs Pinball
Game information:
  • Platform: PC
  • Region: Region free
  • Developer: --
  • Publisher: --
  • Genre: Gamecards
- Join Ellen Ripley as she confronts the Alien Queen and helps the Colonial Marines eliminate LV-426's alien infestation on the Aliens Pinball table - Help Amanda Ripley survive the dangerous halls of Sevastopol Station while evading a merciless Xenomorph on the Alien: Isolation Pinball table - Defeat Xenomorphs, rise in the ranks of Yautja society, and choose your allies wisely on the Alien vs. Predator Pinball table - Listen to original voiceovers and sound effects directly pulled from the ALIEN franchise - Leaderboards, score tracking, exciting social features, and more
Key activation instruction

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