Game information:
  • Platform: PC
  • Region: Region free
  • Release date: August 06, 2015
  • Developer: --
  • Publisher: --
  • Genre: Gamecards
Onimaru is a young Ogre Clan warrior with demon heritage, and he's been sent on a quest to defeat the demon legions of the Genma army. Assemble allies, manage equipment, plan out strategy and sharpen your sword -- the future of the Ogre Clan depends on you! Use Onimaru's demon power and sword skills to take on Nobunaga's legions, while collecting the Genma stones for magical upgrades Use your strategic skills to find ways to use the terrain against your opponents -- and select the proper team of warriors for every missions It will take keen strategy and cunning tactics to survive -- the encroaching evil ones are powerful and only you can put a stop the Genma, and Nobunaga's advance!
Key activation instruction

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