Never Alone is an adventure, puzzle platformer videogame developed by Upper One Games and published by E-Line Media. This game is also known as Kisima Inŋitchuŋa meaning, I am not alone. You will be playing as an Iñupiaq girl named Nuna or you can also play as her arctic fox. The goal of the game is to solve puzzles. These puzzles are based on Alaskan folklore that is sure to be interesting and enjoyable. You can swap between Nuna and her arctic fox throughout the game. You have to restore the balance of the eternal blizzard in Alaska. This is an atmospheric puzzle platformer where you can interact with your environment. As Nuna, you can pick up stuff and move it. You can also open new areas by using your bola. You can play as the arctic fox in situations where speed is important. The Alaskan stories that you will learn from this game is definitely enjoyable and the artful graphics and witty puzzles will get you hooked.
Key activation instruction