Infestation: Survivor Stories (formerly known as The War Z) is an open world action, massively multiplayer zombie survival RPG developed by OP Productions. It features both first person and third person shooting perspectives where the player gets to choose between killing zombies, or playing against other users.
In Infestation: Survivor Stories, the player must exhaust all possible ways in order to live and survive in a post-apocalyptic, zombie-infested world after a viral outbreak has exterminated the human population.
It is nearly idealistic for its genre if you want to play a zombie game. It emphasizes the player’s survival tactics: stealth, escaping from hordes of zombies and distractions. Scavenge for supplies food and ammunition, fight the undead and most importantly, survive!
This is definitely the zombie game that you’ve been waiting for. It delivers on all the promises OP Productions made. It successfully combines everything from the iconic zombie games of the past.
Always keep in mind that zombies are deadly and the good guys don’t always win. They are coming.
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