Dragon Age 2
Game information:
  • Platform: PC
  • Region: Region free
  • Release date: October 03, 2011
  • Developer: --
  • Publisher: --
  • Genre: Gamecards
Dragon Age II is an action role-playing video game developed by BioWare, and published by Electronic Arts. It is the second game in the Dragon Age series and has proven to be worth its name. As one of the few who escaped the destruction of your home, your fate is sealed. You will now be forced to fight for survival in an ever-changing world, you must gather the deadliest of allies, amass fame and fortune, and take your place in history. Dragon Age II is an astoundingly good game.  If you like your RPGs old-school with plenty of Tolkien and Dungeon Master mixed in with sword wielding warrior women and moody elves, then Dragon Age is for you. It features a new narrative style, set over the course of a decade and overhauled combat mechanics that emphasize the uniqueness of each class. With its updated graphics and a new visual style, it presents a totally new RPG that outclasses more famous titles. Dragon Age II  also presents a new dialogue system and improved character development. It is a special game worth a try.
Minimum System Requirements:
  • OS: Windows XP SP3 / Vista SP2 / 7
  • CPU: Intel Core 2 Duo 1.8 Ghz, AMD Athlon 1.8 Ghz
  • RAM: 1 GB
  • HDD: 7 GB
  • GPU: ATI Radeon HD 2600 Pro, NVIDIA GeForce 7900 GS
Key activation instruction

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