Cooking Mama 5 Bon Appétit
Game information:
  • Platform: PC
  • Region: Region free
  • Release date: November 21, 2013
  • Developer: --
  • Publisher: --
  • Genre: Gamecards
Cooking Mama 5: Bon Appétit! the 5th installment in the main Cooking Mama series. Similar to Cooking Mama 4: Kitchen Magic, this game also makes use of the gyroscope in the system, allowing stunning effects when performing certain actions along with brand new 3D animations. The basic mode in-game. Create recipes step-by-step as Mama watches and helps. Whenever you are cooking a recipe, if you mess up on a step, you are given the option to quit via pausing before the results come up. Doing so will not lose your progress, and you are able to redo the step without having to restart from the beginning.
Key activation instruction

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