Card Shark is a narrative-focused adventure game themed around intrigue, gambling, and delectable deceit developed by Nerial studios. Welcome to 18th-century France a world of unfettered greed and gluttony, tonight you attempt to rob blind a group of unscrupulous scoundrels and rouges, rumored to possess an unlimited amount of money between them. Stick to the strategies you learned and this score will be a walkover, or will it?
One of the year’s best orchestrations of gameplay and presentation in unison, Card Shark is a smart, but above all, brilliantly-crafted journey of cunning and deception.
Hardcore Gamer
Card Shark is a truly unique experience that shouldn’t be slept on. This is the game for those who don’t like card games. The developers have made a very fun experience that builds on itself fluidly in a way that many other games don’t seem to get right.
But Why Tho?