Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons is a story-driven puzzle-platformer adventure game developed by Starbreeze Studios and published by 505 Games. The game uses a third-person view overlooking the two brothers. The player will control two brothers as they set out on a remarkable journey by interacting with interesting non-player characters in the game world and completing various mind-boggling puzzles along the way in order to bring back the Water of Life to their ailing father. Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons’ story is set in a world overflowing with personality. It incorporates a brilliantly made storyline, exquisitely designed visual arts, charming characters, and an epic fairy tale journey. It is a fun-filled fast-paced adventure video game that just makes you wish the game would have been maybe a few hours longer. The story may be short, but it never fails to deliver real emotions and depict the importance of family. A precious gem that’s not to be missed.
Minimum System Requirements: - OS: Windows XP SP3
- CPU: Intel 2.4 GHz
- RAM: 2 GB
- HDD: 2 GB
- GPU: NVIDIA GeForce 8600, ATI Radeon HD 2600
- DirectX: 9
Key activation instruction