Battlefield 5 Coins
Game information:
  • Platform: PC
  • Region: Region free
  • Release date: November 20, 2018
  • Developer: --
  • Publisher: --
  • Genre: FPS
Battlefield 5 features a microtransaction currency, and it comes in the form of Company Coins. In this Battlefield 5 Company Coins guide, we'll be walking you through how to earn Company Coins in Battlefield 5 as quickly as possible, so you can spend them on your weapons, soldiers, vehicles, and more. If you instead need help with anything else relating to DICE’s latest game, you’ll want to check out our Battlefield 5 guides hub. Here you can find all the essential tips and tricks, and complete guides index, and more for the game. Battlefield 5 Company Coins Firstly, we should point out that Company Coins can be earned both in-game, and purchased separately. You can absolutely go ahead and spend your own money on them should you wish, but they’re available to be earned in-game by completing tasks and challenges. Speaking of earning Company Coins in-game, this is done through completing Assignments. Click on the ‘Assignments’ option from the main menu of Battlefield 5, and you’ll be presented with two categories: Special Assignments, and Daily Orders. The former of these is updated semi regularly by DICE, and as soon as you get your hands on Battlefield 5, you’ll have a Special Assignment for each class in the game, tasking you to complete class-specific activities for 200 Company Coins each.
Key activation instruction

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