Aliens Colonial Marines
Game information:
  • Platform: PC
  • Region: Region free
  • Release date: February 12, 2013
  • Developer: Gearbox Software
  • Publisher: SEGA
  • Genre: FPS

A new batch of colonial marines wake up from cryosleep, the marine’s leader captain Cruz is tasked with a fact-finding mission on the planet LV-426 to find the missing first expedition that landed a few months ago, they find the Sulaco the First expeditions ship still orbiting the planet, captain Cruz not sure what to make of it sends in a detachment they never returned. Aliens Colonial Marines is the story of Corporal Christopher Winter part of the second wave of marines to board the Sulaco, find the ship’s flight recorder and find out what happened to the first expedition.

  • A direct sequel to aliens (1986): Aliens Colonial Marines takes place right after the events of the first alien movie retracing back the steps of the first expedition. Visit the Sulaco, Hadley’s Hope, and the planet LV-426 bringing with it the same eerie atmosphere in the movies.
  • Optional solo and multiplayer campaign: the campaign can be played alone or with up to 4 players with the option of dropping in and out of the games without ruining the flow of the campaign.
  • Be the aliens and hunt down marines, or kill the xenomorphs with traps and guns as the marines in 4 unique online multiplayer game modes team deathmatch, extermination, escape, and survival.


It’s not perfect and its visual issues hold it back from unqualified greatness, but Aliens Colonial Marines is consistently fun to play throughout. It’s also the first game in ages to elicit a cry of genuine shock from yours truly the first time a face-hugger came surging towards the screen.  

Colonial Marines comes off as too much fan service with few (if any) ideas of its own. It provides a tired narrative with an unsatisfactory conclusion that opens more questions than it attempts to answer.

Minimum System Requirements:

  • OS: Windows XP SP3
  • CPU: Intel Dual Core 2 Ghz
  • RAM: 2 GB
  • HDD: 20 GB
  • GPU: nVidia GeForce 8500, ATI Radeon HD 2600
  • DirectX: 9

Recommended System Requirements:

  • OS: Windows XP SP3 / Vista / 7
  • CPU: Intel Quad Core 2.3 Ghz
  • RAM: 2 GB
  • HDD: 29 GB
  • GPU: nVidia GeForce GTX 560, ATI Radeon HD 5850
  • DirectX: 9
Key activation instruction

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